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African heritage

African Proverbs


African proverbs teach wisdom, values, and moral lessons for African-Americans and Africans all over the world. They contain lessons and advice on how to live a good and prosperous life and have a successful career or business. African proverbs are highly important tools for the younger Black generations to understand how to conduct themselves successfully in their life journey.


“Millions of Black people lived and died without ever knowing freedom. The Atlantic Ocean is lined with the bones of Black people who never survived the Middle Passage. That is tragic! What would be even more tragic is if you did not live your life everyday in a way that honors their sacrifice. Never ever forget that you belong to the strongest race of people that ever walked the face of this Earth. No one has stood what Black people have stood in the heat of the day, and that is still true today! YOUR job, YOUR only job, as a Black person is to advance the ball.”

Alexandria McCorvey Ruth

July 6, 1924 ~ August 28, 2015

Prefer the leader who comes to you.
— Chad (an interview with Dr. No Days Off)

No matter how the buttocks hurry, they will always remain behind.
— Don't try to outrun your destiny.

The person who sees a hen scattering excreta should stop it. Who knows who will eat the leg?
— When you see something going bad around you, try and rectify it; you'll never know who gets harmed by it.

You don’t teach the path of the forest to an old gorilla.
— Our elders have more experience in this life, so we should learn to respect them and listen to their advice.

No matter how far you urinate, the last drop always falls at your feet.
— There will always be consequences for your action.

When God cooks, you don’t see smoke.
— God is powerful enough to do the impossible in our lives.

If you hear a madman talking, wait you will soon hear what makes people think he is mad.
— Eritrean Proverb

A coward will sweat even in water.
— Ethiopia Proverb

It is the voyage, not the ship that matters.
— Angola

The rabbit that stays in a hole must be ready to face the hunter’s fire.
— Equatorial Guinea

An elephant which kills a rat is not a hero.
— Cameroon

Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst.

An old cat will never learn to dance.
— Morocco

He who runs alone cannot be outrun.
— Ethiopia

Laughter is medicine and whoever makes you laugh is your doctor.
— Kenya

Truth should be in love and love in truth.

The person who has not traveled widely thinks his or her mother is the best cook.

Two rams cannot drink from the same bucket at the same time.
— Nigeria

Only a fool tests the depth of the river with both feet.

If A Man Wants To Grow A Long Tooth, He Should Have The Lip To Cover it.

Strategy is better than strength.
— Nigeria

We should put out fire while it is still small.
— Kenya

One head cannot carry a roof.
— Malawi

Even if a log lies in the water for a long time, it does not become a crocodile.
— South Sudan
If a man swears that he wants to harm you when you’re asleep, you can go to bed. If a woman says the same, stay awake.
— Women aren't known to make empty threats.

A restless foot may walk into a snake pit.
— A busy body or idle person will always get into trouble.

A roaring lion kills no game.
— Bragging or talking about your dreams alone can't make you achieve your dream.

The day you need a wife, the market is filled with mad people.
— Things become scarce, the day you need them.

When the elderly ones in a house travel, the younger ones quickly grow in experience.
— Nigerian Proverb

If you are on the road to nowhere, find another road.
— Ghana Proverb

The bridge is repaired only after someone falls in the water.
— Somolia

We should talk while we are still alive.
— Kenya

Don’t despise the nut, one day it will be a palm tree.
— Angola

If the singer is a fool, the listener is also a fool.

When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their father’s estate.
— Chad

Nobody is born wise.

A wise person doesn’t fall down the same hill twice.

To get lost is to learn a new way.

A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it.

Bread without sauce and a home without a wife are meaningless.
— Ethiopia

No matter how long the neck is, there’s no day it will surpass the head.

Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst.
— Uganda

The lead cow gets whipped the most.
— South Africa

He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is only taking a walk.
— Malawi

Don’t despise the nut, one day it will be a palm tree.
— Angola

The lion’s power lies in our fear of him.
— Chad

A monkey that eats grass instead of a banana is a goat.
An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
— The right leadership matters.

Don’t call the forest that shelters you a jungle.
— Don't insult the person or something you benefit from.

The one who swallows a complete coconut have absolute trust in their anus.
— Before making a crucial decision, make sure you can bear the consequences.

Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.
— Don't jump into a situation without first thinking about it

No matter how good you are to a goat, it will still eat your yam.
— Some people will always be ungrateful, no matter how helpful you are to them.

When you have a lot to do, start with a meal.
— South Africa Proverb

We will water the thorn for the sake of the rose.
— Chad

A fool will not even find water at the Nile.
— South Sudan

The tongue is only 3 inches, but it can kill a man that is 6ft tall.
— Nigeria

Friendship likes distance.
— Kenya

The lead cow gets whipped the most.
— South Africa

A person who has not secured a place on the floor should not look for a mat.
— Nigeria

A child is what you put into him.
— Nigeria

An orphaned calf licks its own back.
— Egypt

One who rides the horse of greed at a gallop will pull up at the door of shame
— Nigeria

One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom.

He who refuses to obey cannot command.

The archer loves the arrow that flies, as much as he loves the bow that remains constant in his hand.

He who fears fire cannot be a leader.

A parasite cannot live alone.
— Namibia

Only when a tree is big and strong can you tether a cow to it.
— Chad

Confiding a secret to an unworthy person is like carrying grain in a bag with a hole.
— Kenya

Lack of knowledge is darker than night.
— Nigeria