Change is a very challenging process for many people; especially in the business world. Not only is change challenging, but it can also cause distress and pain to organizations that run effective systems. In today’s business world, an organization must become innovative; thus, embracing the ability to change and grow its customer base and market share. Change is a necessary factor in growing from mergers, so leaders need to understand that change equals growth equals change; with growth and change comes growing pains.
Team building is a very important component of diminishing growing pains in a changing environment of a new organization and Human Resources (HR) managers are catalysts for very effective change management. Team building is complex and contains different personalities and management styles, but great HR managers can be the shining example to the other departments. Great HR managers establish a solid baseline for teamwork in developing important policies during change management. Great HR managers help organizations develop good performance management systems and determine if they have a good framework for evaluating how the rest of the organization will effectively transition.
Great HR managers will face the challenge of having continuous process improvement because they must make changes in the way they manage and work to develop innovative HR policies. They also have the challenge of establishing clear strategic management and a framework for transitioning. Using Total Quality Management (TQM) and diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) measures, HR managers can develop innovative policies with good teamwork; it will set an example for participation and teamwork throughout the rest of the organization. When two companies merge, a major transition occurs that involves the parties not being ready for the complex workings of the different employees with different cultures. It is important to have quality change management with the newly merged organizations to reduce the tension involved with transition and change. Diverse TQM will ensure controlled quality, especially with the HR department, because HR sets the tone and direction of the inter-working throughout the entire organization.